The Nortek MT-01 Vehicle Handbrake Warning Alert is a dedicated in cab warning device, which plays an immediate audible warning alert in situations where the Driver is about to leave the vehicle with the handbrake not applied, risking a dangerous vehicle roll away event.
Unlike many standard systems which are reliant on the Driver seeing a warning light or hearing an indiscriminate beep or chime, having a spoken audible alert immediately conveys the warning, even if the driver is in the process of physically exiting the vehicle.
The unit is straightforward to fit and connects to the existing Handbrake and Door Switch circuits within the vehicle, and if it detects both circuits open (Handbrake off & Driver Door open) it will immediately sound the audible warning “Please apply handbrake” (Audio sample below) repeating in a loop until the Handbrake is fully applied.
The Handbrake Warning system is designed for both 12v and 24v vehicles, making it suitable for every application from standard Vans and LGV’s to larger vehicles such as Buses and HGV’s where a vehicle roll away could be catastrophic.
The System is also perfectly suited to multi-drop applications, where the driver may enter and exit the vehicle multiple times on a delivery route, making the possibility of forgetting to apply the handbrake an even greater risk.
We can supply the alert message in both Male and Female voices and in most languages (recorded by native speakers).
Nortek Vehicle Handbrake Alert Features
*Immediate Audible Warning of the danger risk
*12v & 24v dc vehicle operation for large and small vehicles
*Easy to fit – connects to existing Vehicle handbrake and Driver Door Switch
*Ideal additional Safety Measure for Multi-Drop Delivery Drivers
*Male and Female Voice Option
*Warning Message available in different languages
*1.3 watt Audible Output
*Remote Speaker, for easy mounting
For more information on the MT-01 Vehicle Handbrake Alert please use the enquiry form below